Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Simplistic Ramble

Everything's been calm. :-) Simple and smooth. Not rough or rocky. It's been relaxed and easy. Not loud or blatantly brash. Subtle, but not subdued.

Do I miss the chaos? I have at times, but I pick health and sanity over the desperate longing to relive recklessness. I don't care for reverting back to climbing when I'm already there.

I'm now at the part where one may feel like they're walking alone, but the feeling only comes from the change to the abrupt stage where time didn't allow us to adjust.

It will be gratifying in the end when the temporary isolating stage finds the resolution fitted appropriately, and *everytwo* gather together to share what they had learned during the time they searched for their answer for this one necessary experience to life.

The more flexible they are, the better. The more structured they are where they cannot look outside of their space left for two, they will struggle when their limited focus breaks and shatters. Options and variations are essential for failed risks taken.

Granted, one may not fail. One may succeed in the search, but will they remember what had been sacrificed? Will they be able to collect what they had dropped along the way?...Will they even want to...or was that always the plan? To have your past years be a part of the strategy needed to sustain the health? <--If *this* is the case, I wish you well, my friends. I'm thankful I was there to assist you in your journey. this karma for undermining the details to mine? Suddenly...I am humbled.

This has almost been decade's worth of a lesson, but the light is beginning to brighten. I'm slowly relaxing the stiffness of my spine, loosening my flexed body, simply to enjoy and embrace just as you all have...which is what I should have been doing from the beginning. But you know what they say...when one looks up in the sky or over their shoulder. If not, then study your stage and be honest with what you're standing in.

Ignorant minds are always joyful because they refuse to know anything beyond their limited and selective knowledge. The ones who have the landscape mindset are the ones who suffer, for they see everything and hold every detail to equivalent value with the next. The ones who will sustain peace and grasp the concept of lasting love, those who are appreciative, grateful, and loyal to being mindful, are able to have a focal point and not discard all other elements which they know will be needed for acknowledgment later.

The farther north I go, the more nostalgic I get. The more I revel in the south, the more isolated I become, but I'm not blind. I'm flexible enough to continue on seeking balance. Going off course does not compel me to jump off and stop moving. That is ending all far too early. I will continue to live and assist in the travels of others. Once I'm at a balance, that's when the new game begins. The game where everyone wins. Until then...I shall continue to be strategic, but *this* time...with a smile.

In other words, I miss my friends.

Post Scriptum:

Did you know that when you think a message is directed towards you, but you're not sure...this could potentially mean there is something you have yet to resolve? Either that or you're straight up guilty. *OR* if you assume this is of another, you're just snoopy? ***Communication. You know what I say. It's a beautiful thing.***


Ivory Sable and Ash said...

I miss you too, Christina. Tons and loads and tons.

MChristinaDB said...

yeah, girl. :-( distance sucks so much. :-( i miss you lots and bunches and lots.

Hazelmae said...

A book I'm currently reading/author's writing reminded me of your style of "rambling" and your many other rambles. It's kind of poetic, has beautiful imagery, and a little hint of intended obscurity. Maybe I'll recommend the book to you, if I end of liking it. :)

MChristinaDB said...

lol, that's awesome. tell me what it is soon! :-)