Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I'm Done

This is what I've learned in the past several months...and it has been finally been wrapping up for me:

This is real life. There are real life situations that need to be the core focus of where your attention should go. There is no time in life to nit-pick and cause burden to things that can be overcome with allowing yourself to think through with a peaceful mind and heart. But if you consume your life with no sensitivity, mindfulness, care, and concern for those around you? And you continue to judge the exterior and continue to only be self-indulging into your mere human desires that are not being fulfilled, and you are not willing to seek into the hearts of others that could truly be genuine...but you choose to stay within your hatred...how can you sleep at night?

It is inexcusable to spread slander about one whom you know nothing about. It is unnecessary to feel the need to be informed about things for curiosity's sake. There is too much pain and hurt in this real world...

I'm doing myself a favor. I'm finally seeking justice. I'm finally seeking peace. I'm finally creating a healthy foundation for myself through Him. He is all I need. His guidance is all I should follow from this point forward. Now more than ever, I will continue to try my utmost best to no longer have negative surroundings consume me and make me swell with tears.

I pray for answers tomorrow night. I pray for peace, resolve, solution, and the safety of my loving family, my strong support of friends, and the care of my ministry. This has gone on for far too long. And I am ready to move on.


Ivory Sable and Ash said...

I love you Christina! You are such an incredible and strong person. Please know that while I am far from you physically, you are right here in my heart and I am protecting you.

Anything you need to help with this, I am here.

MChristinaDB said...

i love you sarah! thanks for being such a strong support. i know i'm surrounded by good company now, even with those far away. :-P

love you! wil call later this weekend

Mr. Nonsense said...

wow. lots of emotional stuff here. i'm feelin it! :...(
just a word of caution: "finding justice."and "peace" usually don't go together. validation and acceptance might do better in finding peace and serenity. the world around us goes about its business with or without our permission. the only change we can make is the way we view changes and the world itself.
may the spirit of God and music fill your heart. have some coffee.. http://jesuspaez74.wordpress.com/2009/09/26/starbucks-coffee-break/

MChristinaDB said...

lol, amen. thanks, kuya :-) your advice is to true to form. and your help along with the others this coming Sunday will help me find that peace and serenity, honest to all goodness.

I will most definitely grab some coffee! Caffiene is one of my best friends. ;-)

Mr. Nonesense said...

haha...no coffee this late