Monday, October 5, 2009

What a blessing...

Last Sunday's mass meant the *world* to me! Thanks for all those who supported Cabrini's Music Ministry. Especially to you, Kuya Jesse, for going out of your way and risking the wrath of your director at St. John Basco. :-P

We're going through so many changes...and it was a really refreshing start...and it truly felt as though we're moving forward, each one with strong, prayerful hearts.

It's an honor to work with you all and I look forward for what's to come. :-)

To all my friends and family:

Come and worship with us at 11AM at St. Francis Cabrini in Lakewood! It's good times. ;-)



Post Scriptum:

Don't take Alli. It's bad juju. If you do, grab a diaper. That's all I'm saying.

1 comment:

Mr. Nonsense said...

the last time i got the nerve to skip our choir was when my wife was giving birth. so, yeah,...u better feel special ;P

anyway, i really had fun.