Saturday, May 1, 2010

Don't mind me, it's my diary after all.

No, really. Don't pay attention to this emo-phase I'm going through. I'm just sending this out into the void.

-At times I feel like there's no one to talk to...but at times maybe that's a good thing, because that always gets me into trouble. And although it may be better, it sure as hell doesn't change the fact that I'm feeling such a loss inside.

Ugh, I hate how you all have traumatized me for life. Condescending, patronizing, insensitive, brash, barking, cruel CRUEL, closed-minded people! I've worked so hard for this moment approaching, and all I can do is dread. People rejoice in this, cry tears of happiness, who do I get to do that with for more than a moment?

I've been so suffocated and trapped with the thoughts of you. I'm about to crack.

"It's not enough just to have good intentions behind those actions. It doesn't change the fact that they could be wrong."

When will I finally allow myself to live?

Oh, and in my other world...the prepubescent, pompous banter from the self-righteous. Waste of space is what it is.

And I've also accepted that I will never ever be able to immerse myself in an environment that I will never be able to fully embrace in its entirety. What the fuck is wrong with that? Nothing is my exact point! Can you handle that? Or after all that you've been taught, is that still not enough for you? If that's the case, let's just be real with it. You want a criteria, I want acceptance. Continue to press me and I will bounce out so fast, it will be like nothing new.

Okay, that's enough of my rant for all. Happy May-month, everyone. :-/

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