Monday, August 30, 2010

Denmark: Day 2

Today Sidsel and I walked to the town nearby, Lyngby. Walking there, I saw beautiful lakes and open fields...then we went to the shopping areas (of course! ;-))

We just got home from having dinner at her father's place, saying goodbye to her aunt before she leaves back for Denver (she was visiting here during the month of August.) I also met Sidsel's grandmother, 89 years old and she's so vibrant and fun to chat with, they all were!

SO stuffed from all of the foreign foods I've been trying! So far I've tried liver paste, different breads, (Sidsel's aunt's friend from Belgium brought chocolates, YUM), beer and cider....oof, I need to go jogging tomorrow.

Tomorrow evening we will be going to the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art...SO excited for that!

I haven't been taking many pictures...I need to get better at that. :-P

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