Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Hello, August!

Summer is just flying by, isn't it?

One update I want to share is that my boyfriend and I have joined Weight Watchers. :-) We completed one full week already and we're midway into our second.

I haven't lost weight yet, but I do feel better about the foods I've been eating, and I'm *gradually* getting back into exercising. It really helps to have someone to do it with. I'm doing the online WW program, so we'll see how it goes. My goal is to lose 22 pounds so I can get back down to 120. But my ultimate goal is to just be able to fit into my clothes again so I don't have to keep wearing the same pair of pants and blouse every single day. :-\

I am currently on the job hunt...and in a few weeks I am Europe-bound! I think...I hope. :-P

Happy August! :-)

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