Monday, February 23, 2009

Lent 2009

These 40 days of Lent coming up...I am going to take the time to learn a lot about myself. To be a better person for family, friends, loved ones, and most importantly, for the Lord.

*Learning how to be independent. How to take care of myself first and foremost so I can be there for others at my best. I can't help others if I can't help myself.

*I haven't been taking care of my body as well as I should, so I'm going to get back into the swing of that. (Starting off with no processed we'll see how that goes. Goshdern Quaker snack bars)

*Keeping on the top of my game with studies.

*Being prompt (, seriously.)

*Praying everyday. But not for me. I need to learn to pray selfless prayers consistently. For all those who support me and for those who need support.

*I want to stop being vulgar. It's so ugly.

*Cleanliness...inside and out. Maintaining my surroundings on the outside so that I'm in a good environment where I will be motivated to be better on the inside.

*Checking up on the people who always check up on me. Trying hard to organize my time well so that I keep the bonds strong.

These will be the focus of my 40 days. It's going to be difficult...especially with the recent changes I need to adapt to. :-( But I'm looking forward to it because it will make it that much better for my future and the future of my relationships with others. :-)


Anonymous said...

gah! I can't believe it's already Lent season! Wonder what I should give up?! I need an update. I will blog my SIX-MONTH update soon! Holy crap! I can't believe it! Miss you.

MChristinaDB said...

I know! Where the hell has time gone!? (it's okie to say "hell"...Lent didn't start yet :-P)...But it just creeped up outta no where! bah.

I miss you so much! :-( It's lonely w/o you, girl.

Salon Prodigy girls say "Hi!" to you! They miss your funky style too. :-)