Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ash Wednesday

For the first time in *years* I went to Ash Wednesday mass. It was a great feeling. :-) I forget how wonderful of a feeling it is to just *go* to church. Performing every Sunday is a blessing in itself, but going just to's nice to be in a place where you're with others who are sharing a simple purpose: to reflect on your relationship with God and others.

One of the versus in the Gospel caught my attention. It was from the book of Matthew, but don't ask me what the verse is because I wouldn't know what to tell you. :-P I just remember the message of that verse was to not *look* and *act* like you are starving. Wash your face, clean yourself up, and smile. Because the only one you are fasting and sacrificing for is God; the others shouldn't see any sign of struggle. If they *do*...if you continue to complain about your trials to them and not to God...what is to become of it? How would you fully heal? How can you set an example for others if you're incapable of showing that you *can* overcome difficulties in your life?

What I appreciate most about Ash Wednesday are the actual ashes you receive on your forehead. :-) "From dust you were created and from dust you shall return." I dig that. You leave this place...go about your daily routine and to see others with the cross on their puts a smile on my face. It's one of the many ways of showing the devotion to their faith, and even moreso, it shows they're about to take on a 40 day journey to fine-tune their relationship with Him for life. Good times...good times. :-)

In other news! I just got the most bomb diggity mattress on the planet! :-D (Thanks, Pia for talking with Mom! :-D) YAY! No more creaking back pain! OhmiGAH I can't wait. :-D And eventually...awesome bedding for the very awesome bed. :-) puts a smile on my face and relief on my spine.


Now...what to do with the futon that has the hugest divot on the planet. furniture? Only means MORE cheap furniture...and the end result? Not so cheap!! Stupid broken pieces of shhhhh....anyway.

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