Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 11: Dinner w/Troel's Parents and SATC Night!

Today was a relaxed they all have been, of course. But today was mainly job hunting day and then for dinner we went to Troels' parent's house.

I would tell you what we ate, but I don't know how to spell it at the moment. But we had very traditional Danish food...SO traditional, it's hardly eaten here. :-P But it was nice of them to make it for the evening. It was really yummy.

Afterward Sidsel and I had a night to ourselves and we watched a couple of SATC episodes while flipping through ******* magazines. Yay girl's night! Just like the good ol' dorm days. :-)

But as I had mentioned, I have been applying for jobs like mad via Campus Point and the Archdiocese of Seattle website. Nobody's biting yet, but I'm praying for good things. I will continue to be on the hunt. (Don't ask me how many places I've applied to and what I've been applying for...there's too many to count.)

Tomorrow: The beginning of a 2-Part Copenhagen Farewell! Part I: Freetown Christiania and window shopping in Copenhagen!

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