Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I came home to a job! Possibly 2...3...4 jobs!

I was expecting the job hunt to be a *least* another month or two by the time I came home from Europe, but the following morning on the 12th I was called into St. Frances Cabrini School...I got the job! Kind of. :-P

Because I don't have a teaching certificate or classroom management experience, we are doing a 3-month probationary period to see how it goes. By the time Christmas Break rolls around, we're going to re-evaluate and see if I should teach for the rest of the year.

Today (Monday, 20th) was my first day...overall, it was a *great* experience. It was an exhausting experience...nerve-wrecking...fun...memorable...frustrating...patience-testing experience. It really is comforting to teach in a spiritual environment, because no matter what my title is, it really does not feel like a job...it's an extension of a comforting home that I already belong to, and to be openly able to express my faith through music to these kids...it's a beautiful thing. :-)

Today I taught preschool through 5th grade. Each class was back to back, and it was a real test of time management, control and connection to each age group. I was absolutely terrified, but I survived! Wednesday will be Day 2 with the grades, and then Friday will be 6th grade. In time I will be teaching 7th and 8th, but for now that's on hold.

What's even crazier is that I have an interview tomorrow for ANOTHER job at ANOTHER school...but *this* time it is for mainly Administrative work and assisting teachers with students who have difficulty in school.

I may or may not get this position, but for the next two weeks I have agreed to take on part of the position on my Tuesdays and Thursdays as an assistant for childcare in the late afternoons after school. And let us not forget my music directing gig for the music ministry of St. Frances Cabrini Church on the weekends!

I don't know if I'm hungrier to earn $$ or experience, but Lord knows I'm definitely *hungry.* I just pray I don't overwork myself.

How ironic...I graduate to go FAR FAR away from school...and now I'm back in school. Sheesh.

I really *really* thought that I would be working in a cubicle inside a high skyscraper in the heart of Seattle. At this point in my life, I dig the fact that I was wrong. :-) (I hope I'm not too quick to say that...after all it has only been one day. :-P)


A special prayer intention for my mother and my family.

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