Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 12: Part I- Farewell to Copenhagen!

So when Sidsel came home from school, we took the train into Copenhagen, but before roaming around there we took a quick walk-around through Christiania.

Christiania is known as "Freetown" because of its urban culture and relaxed atmosphere. It was most definitely the most unique area I had seen my entire vacation, incomparable to any other part of Denmark.

This was the one place I wanted to take lots of pictures, but once you're enter this area, photos are not allowed because of"happy" people don't want to be photographed...if you know what I mean. :-P There are other reasons as well, but that's one of the main reasons, I'm sure.

A lot of amazing graffiti art, happy-hippie people everywhere...unique and colorful atmosphere rich with bold character. Oh, and lots of brownies. ;-)

...Then we went into Copenhagen and looked at some *amazing* Danish interior design. I love the look of Danish furniture and how the Danish designed kitchenware looks and functions. I bought a really cool salt'n'pepper shaker and some cool coasters.

Tomorrow: I will be seeing Hillerod for the first time for some last minute shopping, and then we come home early to have dinner and dress up for our last night on the town in Copenhagen. (I can't believe the trip's coming to a close! :-( I'm not ready!)

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